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Thursday 15 September 2011

Angelic Channelings

As of late I have been channeling an angelic entity. The information that has come through has not been anything surprising, yet I feel there will some revelations soon and I would to share them with you

Dear humans,

Your abundance is invisible to you, you turn your eyes from it
But be sure that it is there and waiting for you to see it in all glorious forms.
The truth is that you are much more then you know.
The love that you seek is there, you keep yourself from it.
The security you desire exists you simply walk away from it,

As angels, we see you. You walk your lifes blind. Even some of the most conscious is blind to the power that is within everything.
We've managed to come through to you in this age, and more channels open.
Jake here is a nice guy, naive still. But very powerful. Special, but at the same time just the same as any of you.

What we want you to is merely release your fear and worry. But you cling to it, like a child clinging to a security blanket.
IT is what you know, but understand it isnt you.

Remember, everything is as it suppose to be. There is nothing to fear, once you take this on fully you can release the idea, and it is an idea, that you have to suffer in life.
Suffering is merely one experience. But at some point in time, your race attatched to it.
We angels find this odd. One message is too see your suffering for what it is! An idea. Nothing more
Please detatch yourself from it. You may feel you need to suffer to live, but this is not true.
You may feel guilt, so you punish yourself. But understand that you are forgiven for whatever you have done.
You may hate yourself, but understand that you are made out of love.

(Yes angels, I know all of this, can't you give me something more?)

Your desire for freedom is exactly what is keeping you from it. How can have freedom if you desire it.
You must become freedom. Jake, you say you know all this, but do you truly understand? Have you became freedom?
If you had would you be channeling this awareness?

You are AFRAID of your power Jake. But know it is nothing to be afraid of. More precisely even, your afraid of yourself. You don't trust yourself.
You keep yourself from your power because of this. Trust yourself Jake, and your power will flow freely through you once again.
Forgive yourself for "hurting" your friend. You may feel like a monster, but you are so loved. Know that what you did was a for a reason and move on.

(I didnt realise that was why I was afraid of my power, or maybe I did, but how can I trust myself?)

Trust is a form of love. You must look at yourself and see yourself for your entirety and your truth. You are not the boy that hurt your friend, you have compassion.
And you have choice. You are not as bad as you think you are. You do not walk with a darkness which you regulary affirm to yourself.
Know that you are who you choose to be. You have control, you wont lose it if you free yourself.

(Can we talk about abundance, what is it?)

The abundance we talk about is not monetary or material possesions. IT is not your bank account number or your house.
It is the myriad of possibilities that you can create. You are abundant because you have choice, choice to create.
This is worth more than currency.

I know you wish for me to talk about your love life. You believed you had found your soulmate. As which, your experience relfected that for a little while.
Your intense imagination Jake, created a relationship that was intense. Your imaginal powers are great, yet you seem to forget that things like "soulmates"
are creations. IT was negated by deeper feelings of unworthiness, and changed the creation in your inner self.

Love has always been lost to you, it seems. As a child, you were made to feel... like a half human. As such, you have been on a crusade to prove yourself.
You are whole now, a person who can be in an healthy loving relationship once they realise there own worthiness.
You feel incapable of making someone happy. A fear of inadaquency, not being able to offer the world something.
This worked in your favour as it has motivated you to access metaphysical power, at the same time it has stopped you from completely involving yourself in a
relationship through a fear that you wont be able to make someone else happy. Your view of yourself as a only being half a person, as only having half a heart has
stopped you from loving wholey. Know that this isnt who you are. You can make someone happy! And you will.

(Due to the personal nature of the last part it caused me to get emotional so I ended the session)

Hello again Jake,

We are pleased to make your meet,

(Who are you, or we?)

We are you collective guides and angels. There is more than 10 of us. All from your different incarnations and workings.

(Are you any ego in particular?)

We speak at the same time, however one entity may speak with the voice at one time or another.
We all share the same information, however.

(Can you break down who is there?)

Your wife (from a previous life) Your guardian angel. A myriad of angels that have been assigned to you. And a few guides whos energetic signature is weak.
We recommend you clear your body before channeling again. Sadness waves you today and is interfering with the transmission of information.

(Okay, I will clear myself next time. Refering to our last session, how can I become a better manifestor)

You cannot become a better manifestor. That is backwards knowledge that even you are aware. Manifestation is the natural expression of reality.
You cannot manifest "better". We do understand that your original intent was "How can I better manifest my desires?" but we wished to make our
last point magnificently clear. You do not manifest a thing. Your power is not manifestation, moreover your power is choice of thought.
GOD gave you free will, and it your free will, your choice of thinking that is your power. Angels cannot think in the negative as humans can and choose
to. We exist in light and love, this is where our will is different to yours. We do not have choice of thought.
Does that make sense?

(I suppose so, can you not choose what you think?)

In a sense, we can. Your wife, your most dominant guide can choose negative thinking and negative beliefs over positive ones, but as angels we cannot see or
hear feel or think in the negative. This is by divine creation. Its an unpleasant experience for an angel to incarnate as a human.

(How can I better direct my thoughts)

.... (At this point my focus conked out)

(continuation from the last question)

Thought direction is easy, you simply choose a point of focus and look there. You have unlimited points of focuses available to you, and as we stated this is your true abundance.
Whether you accept this point of focus is based on your personal beliefs about yourself and reality. If you cannot accept this point of focus, you will not be able to keep the necessary attention
and energy placed on this focus long enough for it change the flow of manifestation.

For example, if you look at the focus of having a partner, but then choose not accept it as you believe that you are unworthy of one, it will not become your truth.
However, as someone as highly strong willed as you are Jake, you can temporarily focus on something new and accept under your temporal reality alterer you call "magic".
"Magic" as a reality construct in your mind allows you take on points of focus that are contradictory to your original beliefs because they link under a seperate operatng system.
In another sense, you are highly suggestibable to yourself.

We wish to talk about an process of easily changing your life.


By examining your interpretation of the world and yourself as a whole, you can find many points of focus that contradict the living of an easy life. If your interpretation of the world you are living in
is one of a cold, lonely world, then that will be your experience. By re-creating the world as a whole into one that is loving and caring and supports you, you will find that things will much easier go your way
It is recommended that you look at your interpretation of the world, and change the undersirable focuses.


They wanted me to point out that they are using vocabulary in my mind, and some of is not the purest interpretation of the information being put across.

I got the feeling our intepretation of god is deeply insufficient.

There was more that started to come through while i was showering, but by the time i was finished showering i had forgotten most of it.


  1. You now have access to angelic beings, and through them, God. Therefore in theory you have access to every solution to every problem that ever existed, including a comprehensive explanation of how the LOA works, which you could channel, as well as lottery numbers (or at least how to get them through LOA). You have potential answers as to how to attract anything you want in your life; like intelligence, supernatural abilities, etc.

    Obviously, this isn't something that you should just sit on your hands about!

    But the big question is, is this your mind talking or your guides. There are several conclusive ways to prove this, such as taking a deck of cards, randomly picking several, and then asking your guides to tell you what their numbers are.

    I was hoping you could do this experiment, come back and tell us how it went, and then if successful, continue to channel meaningful information, a detailed account as to how to manifest, with examples of processes that may be used, and time frames included.

    If you want to help people, this is the best way I can think of. Imagine what people could do if they could talk to God. Assuming we all create our own reality, that there is nothing we can not be do or have, and we have free will...and you truly want to help others, this is basically the end of problems for all of humanity.

    Please try your best to channel useful information in the future, as well as personal proof. Although its possible you could lie I would trust you enough to at least experiment with your processes a bit on my own, assuming they don't take months.

  2. God is and isnt an intelligence.

    Angels are like humans, only they cant exist in negative concepts. They see through the perception of love.

    The information to manifest whatever you want is out there. The angels help me, give me ideas on how to manifest this or that. Tell me when im doing something wrong, what block i have with this issue.

    They are helping me develop a powerful manifestation process, but experimentation takes time and work is being done on both sides.
