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Thursday 19 November 2009

What is the Law of Attraction?

What is the Law of Attraction?

Have you ever heard of the law of attraction? If you have, do you know what it is? And have you used it? If any of the answers to the above questions is no then your in for a treat.

The Law of Attraction is said to be a universal mechanism that creates the reality around us, our lives even by using what we pay attention to, what we belief and what we expect as a reference point. Essentially, it can be used as a tool to create whatever we want in our lives, we can “attract” what we want by changing our expectations and beliefs. But before we get on how to use the law of attraction I wish to talk a little bit about how were already “attracting” and this will be useful for when you learn to attract on purpose.

Even now, you’re already attracting. You don’t know of course, it’s mostly sub-conscious for most people. You’ve been attracting all your life and the life you live now you created yourself. And that’s awesome if you’re a wonderful millionaire without a care in the world but for most us this isn’t true. Your life was created from your beliefs about yourself, what you can do either mentally or physically, whether you expect life to be easy or hard. For example, if you’ve grown up in a world where when you reach a certain age you’re expected to get a mediocre job and earn minimum wage and then believe that this is the life you will grow into, this will almost certainly be the life you are living now. You attracted this life because you couldn’t conceive of anything else. However, it does go deeper than this. It also depends on what you expect and feel about yourself. If you’ve lived a life of depression and accepted that this is the only way you can live then no medication and amount of therapy will be able to help you.

However, the law of attraction does go both ways. You can use it consciously to be able to change what you are currently attracting to something more preferable. But before you can achieve this, you have to be willing to throw old beliefs away to let new ones in. You need to change your perspective of yourself to be able to change. You need a blank slate essentially. This can be difficult, especially if you are sceptical to the idea of law of attraction. To go more in depth, let’s say you have a deep rooted belief that you will never be able to attract a partner. And let’s say you believe this because you feel that you don’t have any attractive qualities. This belief is attracting the reality that you don’t have a partner; it is attracting the reality that you don’t have any good qualities. And when you continue to believe this, it will continue to attract it. This belief needs to go. To get rid of beliefs such as these, I suggest that you need to think of yourself as a new person. Completely new, like a baby that hasn’t been smudged or influenced by its family or environment. This can be difficult, especially if you have a little voice in your head telling you that this is all rubbish. I suggest that every time you have a negative thought about yourself or what you can do, you take that thought and reverse it. You have to realise that ultimately you have power over what you do and don’t believe and once you use that power you can change what you attract.

There are certain techniques that you can use to help you, such as affirmations and visualisations – but these techniques won’t do you much good if you don’t believe in them. Remember, its all about belief and expectations and if you can control these you will become a master attractor.

Ill give you a little tip to help you along, every belief and expectation you have is based on references and memories that occurred in the past. If you believe that you can change your past you will change your present and future. That may sound crazy, but just think about it with an open mind.


  1. So if changing beliefs is all-important, how do you change a belief? Most people come to their beliefs based on evidence or experiences that they acquire from the world around them.

    How exactly are you supposed to manufacture a new belief out of thin air? Do you just repeat it in your head for hours or something? I'm not very good at brainwashing myself when I'm aware I'm trying to brainwash myself.

  2. Beliefs are ideas that you accept are true. You may accept them as truth through experience, however they are still just ideas.

    To change your beliefs, you have to first figure out what they are. Then you have to make the choice to believe something else. To accept another idea as true, and the old one as false. Because ultimately, if that belief is not helping you anymore than you should probably let it go.
