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Thursday 26 November 2009

Dealing with conflicting desires

Have you ever wanted something so very bad that you'd do anything for it. But if you got what you wanted, you know it would someone very badly. For example, you wanted someone but they were already in a relationship, and if you were to get them you know the other person would be hurt terribly.

This situation or conflict has happened to me and I bet lots of other LOA practioners before and can be quite the moral conundrum. What do you do in this situation? Do you really have the right to control a situation like that?

Its very messy, but doesnt always have to end badly. The first thing you have to decide is if its worth it. If its not worth it, dont do it because it will just be a waste of time and energy. If it is worth it however, then it needs to be handled delicatley. Going back to my ealier example, which is probably an easier one to handle to be honest, then when your attracting the person you desire, make sure to attract them in a way that will end their current relationship in the nicest and happiest possible. Possibly send some good vibes out to the other person or help them to attract another partner. Try not to be jealous of them for currently being with the person you like, because this will add chaos to the situation.

Whatever you do, remember to be responsible and really think about what your doing if its going to affect alot og peoples lifes. A corny line possibly, "With great power comes great responsibility"

Love Seth ;)

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