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Saturday 14 January 2012

My mumbled explanation of channeling?

Im trying to say something.. But I can't

IT has to do with channeling and vibrations. But the concept hasn't formed as words in my head yet, so im just left trying to mouth something that hasn't got words yet.

Im sure it'll come to me in words later on in the day.

Messages that come through are mostly decided before one even begins to channel. There we go, that's what I was trying to say. I'm just a relay of information. And my channeling ability is weak at best. I can't keep a channel open for long, and it's something that is connected to my purpose but not something that is my ultimate goal or purpose. If that makes sense. It's just easier to keep me on my path if I can just say hello to my guides every now and then and have a short back and forth with them.

I've think I talked to god once (which I will explain what I mean by talking to god later on) but Its not like I can gain any fantastical knowledge that will change the world, just insights into my life and others.

Channeling also has to do with intention. Intention comes from desire. If you dont desire the information strongly enough, if its not in your vibration then the information in a sense cannot manifest.

Does that make sense?

I think thats a good explanation. Guides can manifest information for desire and vibration. Or something. The concept is hard to express, the way information manifests for channeling?

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